Falls Prevention Program
As a new health initiative at Clarence joint Therapy we are offering a FALLS PREVENTION PROGRAM involving:
- Initial assessment on both physical and social predisposing factors and setting goals.
- The opportunity to attend weekly classes to learn how to do strength, balance and vestibular training. Appropriate exercises are printed on a list to take home depending upon the individual’s capabilities, you may also complete an exercise diary. Our clients have the option to attend classes more regularly, or to come back for monthly reviews.
- A re-assessment after at least 3 months, as exercise intervention is more likely to prove to be of benefit if re-measured after 12 weeks.
This programme can be tailored to your individual needs.
It may be funded with:
- Physiotherapy extras under private health cover.
- Individual payment
- Medicare Enhanced Primary Care -if you qualify with a referral from a GP through the Chronic Disease Management programme.
Hopefully this initiative will:
- Keep you on your feet.
- Enable you to pursue a more active lifestyle
- Assist with maintaining cardiovascular fitness.
- Better control you blood sugars.
- Keep you out of hospitals and the A&E!